
How to bypass input case switching issue in CMD mode (Linux OS)


^ Using H5Viewer to remotely control Linux OS system in CMD mode. With Caps Lock pressed, only half of the letters are upper case.

In some Linux hosts, when the host is booted into text mode, CAPS LOCK LED status will not be updated properly. CAPS LOCK LED won’t turn ON/OFF while changing the CAPS lock status in the host OS.

In such cases, H5Viewer CAPS LOCK synchronization functionality will not work properly. The screen capture above shows an example of typing letters in H5Viewer (after pressing CAPS LOCK) will toggle between lower to upper case inside host.


Currently due to the host side limitation of AMI, the issue could be bypassed with the Virtual keyboard function, or by pressing the Shift button to switch case.

Or simply switch to JViewer to remotely control the system instead using H5Viewer.

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