
How to flash BIOS with EFI shell


In order to flash BIOS with EFI shell, an update tool, the BIOS image to update with and an USB flash drive is required.

Tool: AFU – AfuEfi : Click here to download AfuEfi64_v5.14.zip

BIOS image: The version to be updated into


  1. Prepare an USB flash drive and create a folder. Put the BIOS image and AfuEfi tool into this folder, then plug in the USB drive to the system you wish to flash BIOS on.
  2. Boot with “UEFI: Built-in EFI Shell”. The interface will show up right away. The USB drive should be recognized as “FS0”, input “FS0:” to access the drive.

  3. Use cd command to change directory to the very folder you have the BIOS and AfuEfi tool stored. Once the directory is changed, run:
    “afuefix64.efi B55IDCG0.06 /p /b /n /x” to start the flash procedure.
    It shall take a while for the “process completed” message to show up.
    *Note that the names should depend on the tool and BIOS in use.
  4. After completion, reboot the system and check the BIOS version in BIOS SETUP page.

    The old BIOS (before update) version in comparison:
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