
I can't see LSI 3008 option ROM when I select LSI UEFI mode. How to add LSI 3008 UEFI option ROM?


A boot USB drive
(P.S. you can build a boot USB drive by rufus https://rufus.akeo.ie/)

LSI3008_P8 folder and copy it into bootable USB.
Press to download 3008_P8.zip


  1. Use a bootable USB and boot to DOS environment.
  2. Enter to LSI3008_P8 folder and type command “START_IR.BAT” and update procedure will start.

  3. Check version:
    LSI Controller=> Auto
    Reboot and press Del/F2 into BIOS.
    LSI Controller=> Auto
    Bootable LSI Controller =>Yes

    CSM parameter -> Lunch Storage Storage OpROM policy =>UEFI only
  4. You will see there is a LSI3008 option ROM “LSI SAS3 MPT controller SAS3008” in BIOS -> Advanced
  5. You can check LSI3008 version in controller management-> view controller properities.
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