
How to update BIOS/BMC firmware under OpenBMC?

Steps to update BIOS/BMC firmware via OpenBMC

Login page

Login page screenshot
Default Username: root | Password: 0penBmc

BIOS/BMC Firmware Update

  1. [Operations] -> [Firmware]
    This wizard will guide you through the firmware upgrade process.
    This wizard will guide you through the firmware upgrade process.
  2. Click “Add file” to select the BIOS/BMC FW file. Then click “Start update” for the upgrade process.
  3. Click “Start update” to continue the BIOS/BMC FW upgrade process.
    Click “Start update” to continue the BMC FW upgrade process.
  4. The BIOS/BMC FW upgrade is being processed, please wait for a few minutes.
    The BMC FW upgrade is being processed, please wait for a few minutes.
  5. BIOS/BMC FW upgrade is completed. Click "Refresh" and restart the system.
    BMC FW upgrade is completed. Click
  6. Remark:
    Clear the browser cookies after the BIOS/BMC FW upgrade is completed.
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