
How to update BMC under Linux environment?


The BMC image file and BMC update tool should be at hand, here’s the update tool:

Click here to download


  1. 1. Decompress “” under a linux OS. (Using Ubuntu 20.04 for instance)
  2. 2. Put the BMC image file you wish to update to in the same directory.
  3. 3. Make every socflash file executable by running chmod 777 *filename*, if succeeded the files would turn from white to green. Then execute:
    sudo ./socflash_x64 if= *image_filename*
  4. 4. Wait until the update is finished. (It will show a message like “Update Flash Chip OK”)
  5. 5. Reboot and check the BMC version in the BIOS page.

    *If BMC version doesn’t show up, please disconnect AC power from the system for at least 20 seconds, then plug AC back on and check again.


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