
BIOS Update Procedure Locally (Linux)


1. BIOS Update Tool for Linux
Click here to download
Execute Environment: Linux


1. Before using AfuLnx64, you have to install some kernel source tool by terminal.

2. Open terminal as a super user, then install following package.
apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
apt-get install dpkg-dev
apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)
Apt-get install process is like following picture:

3. After Unzip AfuLnx64, you can see the file “afulnx_64”.

4. Execute command in terminal: chmod 777 afulnx_64

5. Put BIOS image file into AfuLnx64 folder.

6. Execute ./afulnx_64 {your BIOS image file name} /p /b /n
Flash process will take about 3 minutes, please wait.

7. Reboot, then check BIOS version.

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