There are 2 methods for updating the BIOS using Instant Flash.
Method 1:
Method 2:
If you encounter problems while updating the new BIOS, DO NOT turn off your system since this corrupt BIOS might cause your system failed to boot up. Just repeat the process, and if the problem still persists, update the original BIOS file. If the Flash Memory Writer utility was not able to successfully update a complete BIOS file, your system may not be able to boot up. If this happens, your system will need service.
BIOSfilename.EXE: The Flash Memory Writer utility is included in the WinZip format of BIOS file. It updates the BIOS by uploading a new BIOS file to the programmable flash ROM chip on the motherboard.
If you encounter problems while updating the new BIOS, DO NOT turn off your system since this corrupt BIOS might cause your system failed to boot up. Just repeat the process, and if the problem still persists, update the original BIOS file. If the Flash Memory Writer utility was not able to successfully update a complete BIOS file, your system may not be able to boot up. If this happens, your system will need service.
This utility works in Microsoft® Windows 7 (32 / 64 bit), Windows 8 (32 / 64 bit), Windows 8.1 (32 / 64 bit), Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64 bit), Server 2012 (64 bit),Server 2012 R2 (64 bit).
If you encounter problems while updating the new BIOS, DO NOT turn off your system since this corrupt BIOS might cause your system failed to boot up. Just repeat the process, and if the problem still persists, update the original BIOS file. If the Flash Memory Writer utility was not able to successfully update a complete BIOS file, your system may not be able to boot up. If this happens, your system will need service
(Supports server motherboard built with BMC AST2500 controller)
1. Download and install the Server Management Utility.
Step 1: Login
1~3: Key-in the IP address range to search out the host machine where need to do the BIOS update procedure.
4~5: Key-in BMC login account, then pull-down to check those searched machines.
(For example: Host machine IP =
Step 2: BIOS Update
BIOS update is processing with procedures [Upload --> Upgrading --> Idle]
Step 3: Power ON/Reboot system remotely
Step 4: Remote control system
Step 5: Back to Step 1: Login
Check to the latest BIOS version of the host machine.
(For example: Host machine IP =
(Supports server motherboard built with BMC AST2500 controller)
[Maintenance] -> [BIOS Update]
This wizard will takes you through the process of firmware upgrades.
Click the “Browse...” to select the BIOS FW file. Then click “Start BIOS update” for the upgrade process. And click “OK” if confirmed to continue the process.
FW verification processing, please wait a few second..
Click “Proceed” to continue the BIOS FW upgrade process. Then click “OK” to start the actual BIOS FW upgrade operation.
FW updrage is processing, please wait a few second..
BIOS FW upgrade process finished. Click “OK” to reload the webpage.
Remark: Clear the browser cookies after the BIOS FW upgrade process finished.
Environment: EFI Shell
Tool: AFU - AfuEfi
Click here to download
Update steps:
1. Copy the BIOS FW image and the AfuEfi tool into the same folder of USB flash drive.
2. Boot to the EFI Shell and go to the folder where the tool and FW saved.
3. Execute the command: AfuEfix64.efi
4. After process completed, reboot the system and boot into BIOS SETUP to check BIOS version.
1. BIOS Update Tool for Linux
Click here to download
Execute Environment: Linux
1. Before using AfuLnx64, you have to install some kernel source tool by terminal.
2. Open terminal as a super user, then install following package.
apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
apt-get install dpkg-dev
apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)
Apt-get install process is like following picture:
3. After Unzip AfuLnx64, you can see the file “afulnx_64”.
4. Execute command in terminal: chmod 777 afulnx_64
5. Put BIOS image file into AfuLnx64 folder.
6. Execute ./afulnx_64 {your BIOS image file name} /p /b /n
Flash process will take about 3 minutes, please wait.
7. Reboot, then check BIOS version.
In order to flash BIOS with EFI shell, an update tool, the BIOS image to update with and an USB flash drive is required.
Tool: AFU – AfuEfi : Click here to download
BIOS image: The version to be updated into
Login page
Default Username: root | Password: 0penBmc
BIOS/BMC Firmware Update
This guide features the cURL commands to update BIOS and BMC firmware for your server system which supports RedFish. Before we start, please make sure your host system has an IPMI or NC-SI LAN port connected to the internet and the BMC IP address of it for a client end in the same network segment to access.
curl -k -v -X POST https://[IP_address]/redfish/v1/UpdateService/upload --form 'UpdateFile=@[File_location]' --form 'UpdateParameters={"Targets":["/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/BIOS"]};type=application/json' --form 'OemParameters={"ImageType":"BIOS", "Config": 4, "Action": 3};type=application/json' -u [username]:[password] -H If-None-Match:W/\"1667287258\" -H "Expect:"
*We recommend this command which shuts down the host immediately and perform BIOS update.
For BIOS update, here are the definitions to the available values for "config" and "action":
'OemParameters={"ImageType":"BIOS", “Config”: config, “Action”: action}’
2: Preserve BIOS settings
4: Overwrite BIOS settings
1: Update on host shutdown
2: Update immediately without changing host state
3: Shutdown host to update
If the update request is successfully sent off, the system would return an Accepted message with a 2xx code:
You may also check the update progress by visiting:
curl -k -v -X POST https://[IP_address]/redfish/v1/UpdateService/upload --form 'UpdateFile=@[File_location] ' --form 'UpdateParameters={"Targets":["/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/BMC"]};type=application/json' --form 'OemParameters={"ImageType":"BMC"};type=application/json' -u [username]:[password] -H If-None-Match:W/\"1667287258\" -H "Expect:"
If the update request is successfully sent off, the system would return an Accepted message with a 2xx code as well.
In case you are not using a shutdown action parameter (3) for the BIOS update command, or to view the latest firmware information of your current host after the update, please reboot your host with the following command:
curl -k -v -X POST https://[BMC_IP]/redfish/v1/Systems/Self/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset -d '{"ResetType" : "GracefulRestart"} -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: [token]"
If an issue occurs during the update (e.g. the procedure did not start, or an error code "Status:500 Internal Server Error" occurred), you can try below methods such as the power actions or resetting BMC to default according to the scenarios:
If your cURL request was returned by an error code 400, it means that the request command was incorrect. In other words, the request sent by the client to the host server did NOT follow the rules. The client should modify the request command before retrying so that it could be understood by the host.
If the expected update procedure does not start up, you may try powering off your system, or try rebooting it:
curl -k -v -X POST https://[BMC_IP]/redfish/v1/Systems/Self/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset -d '{"ResetType" : "GracefulRestart"} -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: [token]"
ResetType Allowable values :
“On” for Host power on
“GracefulRestart” for Host reboot
“GracefulShutdown” for Host soft power off
“ForceOff” for Host hard power off
If you encountered an error code 500 issue, this could be related to corrupted RedFish data. The overall solution is to resend a brand new copy of RedFish data to the server again. To do so, we flash BMC to the same version with items other than RedFish preserved, or simply update your BMC.
To preserve your current BMC config:
curl -k -v -X PATCH https:// [BMC_IP]/redfish/v1/UpdateService -d '{"Oem": {"AMIUpdateService": {"PreserveConfiguration": {"Authentication": true,"FRU": true,"IPMI": true,"KVM": true,"NTP": true,"Network": true,"REDFISH": false,"SDR": true,"SEL": true,"SNMP": true,"SSH": true,"Syslog": true,"WEB": true} } } }' -u [username]:[password] -H If-None-Match:W/\"1667287258\" -H "Expect:" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
If there is an issue that cannot be resolved or further assistance is required, please visit and fill out the form as detailed as possible so we could provide an efficient tech support.
1. Access your system’s BMC WebUI by visiting https://IP_address with a web browser. Then login with the correct credential (default login username and password are both admin), you should be directed to the Dashboard of your system.
2. Click on “Maintenance” on the left, and choose “BIOS Update”.
3. In the BIOS Update page, we recommend keeping the default settings, which is to NOT Preserve BIOS configuration; As for Option, choose Immediately shutdown server to flash BIOS to perform a cleanest and most stable BIOS update. Then proceed to Select your firmware image, make sure you are correctly choosing your BIOS firmware to flash to, and then hit the Start firmware update button:
4. After that, the firmware upload shall begin. When it is done, please confirm your current and new firmware version, then hit Proceed and OK to continue to your BIOS update.
5. You shall receive a message upon the BIOS update completion, hit the button to confirm, and your system shall be rebooting with the newly updated firmware.
6. After the system has completed its auto reboot, you can now refresh your Dashboard page and find that the BIOS Firmware Version is updated as expected.